Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Real Project

Today i began to record the Dow Jones(DJIA), BerkShire Hathaway(BRKA and BRKB), American International Group (AIG), Freddie Mac(FRE), Fannie Mae(FNA), Lehman Brothers(LBC), and Bank of America(BAC). I put daily opens and closes on an Excel spreadsheet. The dates start at August 1st and will continue for a while. I did this so i can later import this data into CoMotion and use it in visualisations.

I chose these institutions because they are the ones most commonly effected and all but the Bank of America has has some kind of recent government aid and has drastically dropped. The Bank of America has bought out many other smaller failing banks so that is why that one is in there. Furthermore they all are directly effected by Federal Rate cuts, other than AIG.